19 APRIL 2013

“Land misuse has been legalized by
the government”: Dr Darakhshan SDP President criticizes the
government for allowing land mafia jugglery in the state and putting the future
of the state to great ecological & environmental risk .
“The land mafia is ruling the state. Laws
for Protection of our agricultural land are just on the paper and the ground
reality is quite against it,” said Socialistic Democratic Party President Dr
Darakhshan Andrabi while addressing the Press Conference at Party Central
Office today. Unplanned development of our cities and unchecked status change
of land in rural areas has put our life to a great risk and our government is
quite unconcerned said SDP President. Dr Darakhshan Andrabi expressed her worry
that the let-free attitude of the government towards the land mafia in
the state has put the situation out of the hand of everybody. “In the name of
the oral gifts, the treasuries are deprived of levy worth crores of rupees by
this mafia and this all happens in connivance of the ruling class. The
commission agency attitude of our government departments and agencies has
ruined the whole of the land management in the state,” said Dr Darakhshan
Andrabi. SDP President expressed her concern over the fast shrinking agricultural
land in the state and slammed the ruling politicians and bureaucrats for
declaring the cultivable land as marsh and barren just to certify its use for
construction purposes. “The defective housing and developmental plans of the
state government are responsible for unchecked concretization of the state of
J&K which is proving hazardous for the ecology of our state,” said Dr
Darakhshan Andrabi. She said that J&K being a state of the interior
Himalayan region was ecologically very sensitive and this mafia-led change in
the nomenclature of our land was gravely and adversely affecting our whole
ecosystem which in the coming years was undoubtedly enough to make our lives
hell in this paradise like state. “Those who tirelessly make big claims of
putting the state of J&K on the path of development are in the real context
putting us on the path of destruction and annihilation. The poor understanding
of our rulers about the ecology and environment of J&K is leading us to a
catastrophe of the days to come,” said Dr Darakhshan. Dr Darakhshan Andrabi
said that the Agricultural Ministry of the state was completely unconcerned
with this great and vital issue.